As the presidential candidates gear up for the final leg of the election race, a look at what they've included in their plans for poverty and economic opportunity.
With the gap between rich and poor growing, a new paper offers four potential avenues investors might consider to bridge the economic divide.
The GIIN has released the results of their sixth annual survey on impact investing, providing a look into trends among investors for 2015.
A Demos report finds college is unaffordable in all 50 states, and the affordability gap is significantly larger for minorities.
Heron joins the discussion on SEC disclosures and the inclusion of sustainability factors that could help investors find companies with the best impacts on society.
The first of Steve Dawson’s “Pinkerton Papers” on job quality, recruitment and retention says jobs that provide stability are a first step toward social mobility.
The Economic Policy Institute finds that people of color will be a majority of the American working class in 2032 and stresses the need to reduce inequality by then.
This GIIN report, using data collected in the impact sector, finds that most investments perform as or better than expected.
InSight at Pacific Community Ventures supports investment in "good jobs" with a report helping CDFIs define them & track their borrowers' impact on communities.
A Brookings Institute report examines how facets of poverty tend to cluster, disproportionately effecting blacks and Hispanics, and how de-coupling disadvantage types can lessen poverty’s oppression.