Categories for Field Notes

Field Notes: Darren Walker on Philanthropy

In an interview with Shelterforce Weekly, the Ford Foundation’s new president discusses his take on giving.

Field Notes: On Philanthropy

Today: fun fundraising, investment news and an open letter to Google’s CEO.

Field Notes: A Sustainable Society

Today we're reading about how investing can keep temperatures down, options for mothers returning to work, and a big-tent approach to venture philanthropy.

Field Notes: Bill Gates on Poverty and Prosperity

Bill Gates discusses the trends in the U.S. labor market during a conversation on poverty and prosperity with the American Enterprise Institute's Arthur Brooks.

Field Notes: Impact Investing’s Potential

A few updates in the impact investing space.

Field Notes: Women in Poverty

International Women’s Day kicks off a month of worldwide discussion so we’re digging into female poverty in the United States and investing with a gender lens.

Field Notes: Bolder, Better Philanthropy

Today we’re reading about recent thought on the philanthropic sector.

Field Notes: Six Ways for Business to Address Inequality

The Aspen Institute’s Judy Samuelson and Maureen Conway detail six steps that corporations can take to advance equity for their employees and society.

Field Notes: ‘Going All In for Mission’

Heron’s Clara Miller shares in Forbes on our reasons and approach to investing 100 percent of our assets for mission.

Field Notes: Impacting Job Quality & Quantity

A brief case study on impact management features Huntington Capital’s efforts to maximize impact on job quality in their third fund.