Categories for Multimedia

Multimedia: The Finance-Impact Data Spectrum

Annie Donovan, CEO of Coop Metrics discusses the difference between collecting financial and impact data, the two ends of the spectrum in impact data collection, and a model of the ideal.

The Power of Information: Data at Work for Enterprises

Check out this web video with data experts discussing the challenges of mission-driven and finance-driven enterprise data.

Multimedia: Enterprise-Level Intel for Social Change

Four enterprise-data experts discuss the possibilities opened up by applying for-profit strategies and tools to gather information in social change settings.

Multimedia: Using Data to Inform Decisionmaking

Social sector guru David Henderson explains why organizations end up tracking the wrong data points, which then lead to wrong decisions.

Multimedia: The Power of Small Data

Liz Luckett, the Pershing Square Foundation‘s director of impact investing, explains what small data is, and when and why it can be so powerful.