The Heron Blog

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Mar 5, 2018

Steps to Approach Nonprofit Capitalization Planning

In part two of a video series on nonprofit capitalization, Heron’s Rodney Christopher shares thoughts on assessing where an organization stands financially, and four capitalization goals to help ensure a nonprofit has the right kinds of money when various needs arise.

Aug 17, 2017

Video: Investing for the Long Term

A longer-term view and sustainable business practices can lead to better results, argues Daryl Brewster, in the latest installment of Heron’s “Poor U.S.” video series.


Mar 27, 2017

Soundbites: Clara Miller Looks Back Five Years

Toni Johnson of Mission OutLoud sits down with Heron’s Clara Miller to discuss her 2017 letter to the field reflecting on a five-year journey.


Dec 8, 2016

Poor U.S.: Reimagining a Path to Prosperity

A series of videos recasts the narrative around what it is to be poor in the United States and suggests ways to reinvent the economy to provide paths to prosperity.


Aug 23, 2016

Multimedia: From Social Program to Social Enterprise

Heron’s Clara Miller joins Sal Giambanco of Omidyar at the Vatican’s 2016 Impact Investing Conference to discuss support for enterprises as the vehicle of impact.

2016-07-08 12_20_34-Multimedia_ 'A Big Leap of Faith' Hiring Organized Farm Labor _ Heron Foundation

Jun 22, 2016

Multimedia: ‘A Big Leap of Faith’ Hiring Organized Farm Labor

After learning to make a living growing organic strawberries, one farmer decided to invest in the economic conditions of his own workers by using a union.

Feb 26, 2016

Multimedia: Heron’s Investment Approach

This interactive presentation outlines the four basic principles that inform how Heron deploys capital.

Feb 10, 2016

Multimedia: Impacting a Community Ecosystem

In this video, impact investor Bobby Turner addresses what he calls a “legacy of dependency” that’s established when society’s greatest problems are treated with band-aids rather than an impactful cure.


Oct 12, 2015

Multimedia: No Real Saints and Sinners in America, Inc.

How good do investees need to be to get included in Heron's portfolio? Clara Miller explains in an interview with NextBillion why this is the wrong question.


Oct 5, 2015

Multimedia: Philanthropy in the New Economy

On a TalkPoverty radio interview, Clara Miller discusses why “business as usual” is no longer an option.
