
Effectiveness: Managing Transitions

Featured: Mountain Association for Community Economic Development

F.B. Heron Foundation Annual Report 2004

A report on Foundation activities in 2004.

A Letter from the President, 2004

This year’s annual report, presented in two sections, focuses on customer service.

Innovation: Creative Advocacy

Featured: Community Reinvestment Association of North Carolina.

Responsiveness: Coping with Disaster

Featured: Enterprise Corporation of the Delta.

Responsiveness: Keeping in Touch with Customers

Featured: Neighborhood Housing Services of New York City, Inc.

IRS Form 990 – 2004

Access the Foundation's IRS tax return.

Financial Statement 2004

Access the Foundation's financial statements.

Learning from Customers

Featured: El Centro, Inc

Meeting Customers’ Needs

Featured: Federation of Appalachian Housing Enterprises, Inc.