
Field Notes: The Impossibility of Investing Otherwise

Today in our philanthropy and impact investing mini-roundup: foundations must find ways to align their investments with their values.

Field Notes: Change Ahead for Seattle’s Minimum Wage Jobs

As Seattle addresses income inequality by raising the local minimum wage to $15, how will it affect the low-income job market inside and outside of the city?

Field Notes: Who’s Teaching Whom Philanthropy

Does a five-figure cash pot make it easier for universities to teach philanthropy as a “practical philosophy?” A novel grant from a Texas hedge fund manager provokes debate.

Field Notes: Why the ‘Strategic Model of Philanthropy’ Fails

Could an emergent strategy in philanthropy bring a “brave new world” to complex social problems? A Foundation Strategy Group team suggests a new approach.

Field Notes: Everything’s Coming Up Impact

This week we’re reading about how impact investing continues to grow on Main Street, among millennials and in philanthropy.

Field Notes: Household Debt and the Recovery

Why was the Great Recession so Great? On The Upshot, two professors argue that it was a lack of attention to household debt.

Field Notes: Impact Investing News

Today we’re tuning in to what’s new in the ever-evolving landscape of impact investing.

Field Notes: Scaling Impact

Today we’re reading about how enterprises can scale their impact through better principles and better conversation.

Field Notes: The Future of Impact

In philanthropy and impact investing today: a stock exchange milestone, why better data matters and the next generation of investors.

Field Notes: Darren Walker on Philanthropy

In an interview with Shelterforce Weekly, the Ford Foundation’s new president discusses his take on giving.