This is where you will find Heron’s Publications.
Building a Foundation for the 21st CenturyFor over fifty years, the global economy (and that includes the U.S. economy) has felt the effects of three related long-term trends, widely reported and acknowledged. They are: first, a weakening of the pull of place; second, disintermediation; and third, closely related to both, the explosion in the use of information technology, meaning that in labor markets there are more journeymen, no assurance of life employment and a continual evolution of skills needed to make a living. |
IRS Form 990 – 2014Access the foundation's tax return. |
2014 Heron Financial StatementHeron's 2014 financial statement |
IRS Form 990 – 2013Access the foundation's tax return. |
2013 Heron Financial StatementHeron's 2013 financial statement |
Capital, Equity, and Looking at Nonprofits as Enterprises"Enterprise capital," the nonprofit equivalent of for-profit equity capital, is what fuels an organization's rise to the next level of performance. Here, the author outlines how these "equity-like" capital grants work. |
IRS Form 990 – 2012Access the foundation's tax return. |
It’s the Wrong Question!How much is your financial return discounted by your mission investment strategy?' |